Act 1- Scene Summaries

Scene 1:

Three witches meet, they say  “When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battles lost and won”

I think this is an important line of the Scene because of the insight it gives the reader. A battle is expected, and after the ‘confusion of the battle and storm is done’ the witches will meet again with Macbeth, for whatever reason that is unknown to the reader.

Hurlyburly= confusion of the battle and the storm

Later on in the scene they say ” Fair is foul, Foul is fair”

I think that this means that things are meaning the opposite/ not what the seem to be, which could be referencing to the future.


Scene 2:

A soldier retold the story of how Macbeth fought during the battle to King Duncan, and how he slaughtered Macdonwald, cutting his own passage to get to Macdonwald, blood steaming off his sword. The soldier compares King Duncan’s army to that of a predator and its prey ( the hare the lion), this shows how the Norwegians were outnumbered and didn’t stand a chance.

Kind Duncan and Macbeth are cousins,  Macdonwald was helping the Norwegians to overthrow Scotland, and King Duncan is pleased with Macbeths efforts to kill Macdonwald.

Duncan sends Rosse and Angus to deliver the news that Macbeth can have the Thane of Cawdor title.

Scene 3 :

The witches promised/foresaw Macbeth that he would be King and would be the Thane of Cawdor, and Banquo’s children would be Kings.  He believes the witches because their prophecy for Macbeth is later confirmed when Rosse and Angus tell Macbeth he is to be Thane of Cawdor, because of his triumphs in the battle.

He says ” If Chance will have me King, why, Chance may crown me, Without my st

Scene 4:

Malcolm tells of the Thane Of Cawdors execution, Duncan names Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland and the heir to the crown and Macbeth is shocked that he was not, because of the witches prophecy and also because he was the greatest general. This is an obstacle in his path to becoming king and it reveals his dark intent.

Important Quote:


(aside) The prince of Cumberland! That is a step

On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap,

For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;

Let not light see my black and deep desires.

The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be

Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see

Extract; No Fear Shakespeare

This is translated to Macbeth saying for him to become King himself like the witches promised he will have to step over Malcolm or give up, because he is in the way of Macbeth’s plans. He hopes that no one can see the terrible things he will do.

ir”.  This means that Macbeth doesn’t need to interfere with the fate of him being King, but later on, he could change his mind.

NOTE: I know that Banquo is murdered and his son Fleance escapes alive and runs away*-this is conflict, possibly caused by Macbeth.

This is very similar to Romeo’s situation and his quote about fate/chance ” He that Hath the steerage of my course, Direct my Sail”.

Scene 5:

Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth about the witches and their prophecy for him to be King and his excited at the information but thinks that Macbeth’s nature is to nice for him to be King, even though he has ambition, he isn’t evil enough to accompany it.  Later on she says, that she can influence Macbeth with her evil thoughts and argue away the things that stand in the way of the Crown.

“Than wishest be undone. Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear”

Then a messenger tells Lady Macbeth that King Duncan will visit her house and she prays she has the strength to do the evil that Macbeth isn’t strong enough to do, which is to murder Duncan. She wishes her feminine qualities are taken away ( women were thought to be weak in Shakespeare times) That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty!”   Macbeth arrives and Lady Macbeth tells him she will take control of the situation and Macbeth can be the innocent person people expect him to be, while she handles Duncan when he arrives at their home.

This scene shows how Lady Macbeth is powerful over her husband, which is strange in those times because women are supposed to be weak and have no authority, yet Lady Macbeth knows exactly what she needs to do to have the prophecy come true.

Scene 6:

Outside Macbeth’s castle

King Duncan and Banquo arrive at Macbeth’s castle and are welcomed by Lady Macbeth. Duncan thanked Lady Macbeth for her hospitality ( Duncan and Banquo are staying at the castle).  

Scene 7: 

Characters: Lady Macbeth and Macbeth

Location: In a room in the castle, a private conversation

Events:  Lady Macbeth and Macbeth discuss their plan to kill Duncan but Macbeth is doubting whether they should continueHe thinks that he has his friends respect and everything he could want in life, and he doesn’t want to ruin it by killing DuncanLady Macbeth is outraged, she calls him a coward and too weak to follow through on his promises. 

(‘ Was the hope drunk , wherein you dressed yourself ? hath it slept since, And wakes it now, to look so green and pale’?

She said if she made a promise as he did then she would commit to it.  Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to continue with the plan. They decide to make Duncan’s guards so drunk they pass out, and then kill Duncan with their swords. The guards won’t be able to remember what happened so they can’t defend whether they killed Duncan or not. They will grieve like everyone else so they don’t look suspicious and no know knows the crime they have committed. 


” I have given suck, and know / How tender ‘t is to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, And dashed the brains out, had I sworn as you have don’t to this”

This is Lady Macbeth challenging Macbeth, saying that if she had sworn/ promised something like he did, she would follow through, no matter how severe the consequence or how big the sacrifice is. This statement from Lady Macbeth is challenging her husband to see if he will back down.

STATE OF MIND  (were the witches real, is Macbeth going crazy)

Scene 8:







Hypothesis: ‘Are adults using text communication features as effectively as teenagers are.’


Over time, modern technology has changed how humans communicate. Instead of talking in person, we can text using mobile devices to people on the other side of the world. This has unlocked millions of possibilities for the youth of our world to develop the language to suit how they text, which we have clearly done.

“Language has been the greatest single contribution to understanding and misunderstanding”.  As text communication evolves,  many people are being left behind and don’t understand what our youth are writing, which leaves me wondering… Are adults communicating via text the same as us teenagers, by using the same features as we do, and are is texting like this as effective for them as it is for teenagers? I am going to compare adult text communication with teenagers and see if there are any similarities?

One way that the youth of this generation are texting is by using emoticons to express the paralinguistic features that aren’t present in text communication.  Emoticons or emojis are widely used by the teenagers to show what they are feeling and with the thousands of different options that mobile devices provide us with, we can choose emojis that suit the situation and are not just randomly placed, but instead, they are there to serve a purpose. In a text conversation between teenagers, there is often excessive amounts of emojis used, which can lessen the effectiveness of them but still provide the text partner with a pretty good understanding of what the writer is saying/feeling. For example, in a text conversation between two teenagers, there were 12 emoticons used, the majority was a thumbs up, smiley face or laughing face.  These were obviously used to show that something was funny, or say ‘good job’ with the thumbs up emoji. For some teenagers, this number of emoticons is much more or less than what they would text, and the same goes for adults who text with or without emojis. However, when I examined a conversation between my dad and his friend, almost 20 emojis had been used.  The emoticons used by adult men were of a completely different style to teenagers. The most common emoji used was unsurprisingly the beer emoji. The smiley face, wink, laughing and the evil grin were the next popular emoticons used.  The reasons for using these different emojis was because a simple smiley face didn’t convey enough, in this case, they were planning to do something involving beer ( thus the winking, beer and evil grins that were used multiple times). In this case, the adults were using emojis to a better effect than the teenagers, and placing them methodically instead of random. 

I know that this is not the same for all adults and teenagers who are texting, and could be only because of the type of adults I examined and their nature  therefore I cannot make an assumption for the whole population that all adults are like this but this far into my analysis and I’m being pointed towards the idea that adults are catching on and using the latest texting features to their advantage, and in some cases, more effective than teenagers.

The next feature that young people are using more and more of,  is how teenagers use initialisms to speed up the time it takes to send the text message. For example,  ‘wud’ is common and for teenagers, it translates to ‘what you doing’ or ‘what are you doing’ in short. ‘Hby?’ means ‘How about you?’ and ‘idk’ means ‘i don’t know’. These are all common features of teenagers text conversation. But, is it the same for adults? My first assumption is no, because I don’t text initialisms to my parents, because they don’t understand the meaning, and I have to explain it to them.  After going through some text conversations with friends of mine, and with adults, I have never received a message from an adult that says ‘ Wud?’, but every second conversation starts with that from a teenager. This feature of texting has possibly gone over the heads of our adults, and is only used by youth.

The last feature I want to compare with is the use of logograms in text conversation. A logogram is when you use single letters or numbers to replace sections of words.  An example is a text conversation with two teenagers,  where 7 logograms were used, in the space of 7 line conversation.  Most were a ‘u’ which is not uncommon. In comparison,  when adults are texting only the occasional ‘u’ is used, and not to the extent that the youth are using.


In most cases, adults are not using the same text communication features that teenagers are using, but there is one exception that I found. Emoticons are the part of our text language that adults are picking up on, and using more efficiently, which surprised me.  However, for the most part,  the way the text language has evolved, adults are being left behind.





Transcript III – Text Conversation

Mum: How did your game go last night?

Me: Good!!!( punctuation added for emphasis) We won 7-1. So off to a good start for tournament.

Mum: Woohoo hope it keeps up, who are you playing today?

Me: Wellington ( annoyed emoji)(Paralinguistic Feature) they are going to be a lot harder I reacon (Colloquialism) 

Me: I got an award last night… (punctuation added for emphasis)

Mum: Fantastic (kissey emoji)(Paralinguistic Feature)

Me: It was kinda pointless though

Me: But still

Me: Are you going to wait and see Jess today

Mum: Be better when you get one for stopping an awesome goal (smiley emoji)(Paralinguistic Feature)

Mum: Yes I’m going to get her and then head to Invercargill

Me: Yeah that’s what I hope will happen. Although our first game I had a really good warmup and was stopping some great shots.

Me: Is she going to come with?

Mum: I don’t think so, but I will ask them.

Me: Okay

Me: There’s also a website you can go onto which has all the teams and stats and scores. wesecond in our pool so far.  if we beat Wellington we will be first.  (logogram)

Mum: No pressure then

Me: Yeah (thumbs up emoji)

Me: And we are going to the pool afterwards

Later On 

Mum: How did you go today?  Good pool? (Ellipsis) 

Me: Hey, it was 23°C and horrible to play in. We were tied 2-2 at halftime and then lost 4-2. Which was disappointing. One of the strikers kept crashing into me like 4 times and she full on hit my body with her stick. Wellington were rather rude and nasty.

Me: How are you

Mum:  I’m good, at Kingston on way to jake (Ellipsis)

Me: Oh yeah x (Paralinguistic Feature-Kiss)

Me: It’s going to be late when you get there

Mum: Yeah

Me: I love you x (Paralinguistic Feature-Kiss) drive safely

Mum: I love u too (logogram) 






Transcript II

Abigail is pulling out grass excessively

Annika: “Abi you’re wrecking the field”

Abigail: “Sorreee” ( Repeated vowel-Sound Emphasis)

Annika: “Keep your hands to yourself.” (Aggressive tone)

Brianna: “Do you guys remember like (Verbal Filler), when they graffitied the field?”

Annika: “Yes”

Abigail: “I wasn’t here for that.”

Annika: “Oh my god!”

Brianna: “It was so funny!”

Annika: “They like, didn’t they get fined or something?”

Brianna: “They got like weedkiller.”

Abigail: “Oh yeah, didn’t they like spray it in the quad? Or on the field?”

Annika: “Yeah they did some on the quad as well.”

Brianna: “Yeah they got weedkiller(Back- tracking) and like, drew inappropriate things.”

Abigail: “Oh…”  (Colloquialism) awkward face

Brianna: “It was quite funny.”

Annika: “Didn’t Mr Hose say they got fined or something?”

Abigail: “Yeah they probably did. Coz(Colloquialism)  its like... bad stuff, what, what is it?”

Annika: “Yeah they had to re- like – ”

Brianna interrupts

Brianna: “It cost a lot of money”

Abigail: “Hhh ( verbal filler). Wasn’t it a leaving prank or something?”

Annika: “Yeah” (Colloquialism) 

Brianna: “Yeah, I wonder what Jessie and Stirling -”

Abigail interrupts

Abigail: “Oh, they banned all the pranks last year.”

Brianna: “Did they?”

Abigail: “And they said that if anyone like did any pranks they would get like ex -”

Brianna interrupts

Brianna: “Well they can’t get expelled coz they’re leaving.” Sarcasm

Abigail: (interrupts Brianna at they’re) “Well no, they, they would get a fine or s-something or rather – (Brianna “That sucks”) “I’m not really sure”

Annika: “What did they do last year?

Abigail: “They, they couldn’t do it last year coz there was a big punishment ”

Brianna: ” That’s not really fair”

Abigail: ” They didn’t do anything, they weren’t allowed”

Annika: “You sure?” (Confirmation)

Abigail: “Yeah”

Brianna: “Yeah they did! Didn’t they?”

Abigail: ” No coz Sam was gonna do one but he couldn’t do it coz (colloquialism)   he would have got like a serious-”

Annika interrupts

Annika:  “Has Sam left ?”

Abigail: ” Yeah ”

Annika: ” oh my god”

Brianna: ” He was in Year 13 last year ”

Abigail: ” Yeah he moved yesterday ”

Annika: ” Wheres he going?” ( Brianna says simultaneously: “Yesterday !?”)

Abigail: ” Or the, day before or something, he’s going to um ( Verbal Filler) , Canterbury”

Brianna: ” Mumbles unidentifiable sound”

Annika: “Oh cool”

Abigail: ” Engineering”

Annika: ” Oh, like, Luke ”

Brianna: ” Sounds like Sam, that’s smart………”

Annika: ” gasps” That’s so cool”

Abigail: ” All of the boys in Year 13 who have, like, half a brain are doing engineering”





Transcript I

Hoodie: Yeah?

Ginger: Oh fanks for answering geezer know what I mean?

John:  Give me dat. Where you been fool? Making us rinse out our credit leaving you messages and that

Ginger: Mr Daws is well on the war path with you bruv yea

Hoodie: Coz of the bag and that ?

Ginger: What bag? Coz you missed the lesson you chie-

John: Give me dat ! The bag weren’t the problem , Teggsy never mentioned it, he bott’led it. Ey, you coming round to mine later to play compu-er?

Hoodie: Nah man, I’m at home now, I got business I gotta run

Jonh: What business?

Hoodie: Business that minds it own, I’m ou’.