
How does Shelley convey Ozymandias’ hubris in the poem?

In the poem Ozymandias written by Percy Shelley, Shelley conveys Ozymandias the “King of Kings” as hubris, meaning the act of excessive pride or arrogance through the choice of language that Ozymandias describes himself.
In the poem, the statue of Ozymandias is described as having “two vast and trunkless legs of stone” implying there is no head. It then goes on to say “ near them, on the sand Half sunk, a shattered visage lies”.
The word visage means a person’s face, so we get the image that this mighty statue has its head broken off and lays shattered and uncared for, not what would be expected of such a highly praised “King of Kings”.
On the pedestal on Ozymandias’ statue the words “ King of Kings” and “look on my works ye mighty and despair “ are written, implying that this man, for that is all he is, was arrogant enough to announce himself the King of all Kings, and warn others to fear his works.
Ozymandias has a figment of himself that is only true in his imagination and is ironic when paired with the sight of the mighty statue he had built, that is broken and forgotten in a desert surrounded by nothing but “lone and level sands”.
Ozymandias’ hubris is shown through the choice of language to show that …………??

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